Thursday, September 29, 2011

smak3week & dufan!

Last week I had the most tiring weekend. sabtu pergi ke smak3 dari sore sampai malem. seru2an ketemu temen nonton band teriak2. SERUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! I'm happy when I know last year I'm part of them :D Miss my best place so much! :') gabisa ceritain karena hanya bisa di rasain sendiri seperti temanya "Feel The Euphoria" and the most favorite things is ............. something <3 haha hanya aku dan viny yang tau :p there's some pict.

dan hari minggunya gfw ke dufan bersama teman2 :D gabisa di jelasin deh hari itu semuanya campur aduk seneng sedih kesel bete ada semua deh. and there's some pict :)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart.

It's late at night and I can't sleep.
Missing you just runs too deep.
Oh I can't breathe, thinking of your smile.
Every kiss I can't forget, this aching heart ain't broken yet.
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Cause I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying 

I miss you.

Long Distance Relationship. The feeling when I miss him so much and he never coming round. I still waiting for his call or msg. I'm crying and feel the pain. I just want you to know that I miss you. I really need you. It just ain't right. I wish you were here .  Do you miss me like I miss you? :') I don't know. I can't describe what I feel right now. Its too much and that too much hurts me so much.  Our relationship, it just ain't right. But, I won't give up. I'll fight for you. I miss your warm hug and I need your hug tonight. I'm not okay. I'm sick of this shit situation. I want to tell you everythings on my head. I don't know. I get a little bit lonely and crazy. I miss you

On a quiet night when I'm alone,
I think of you until break of dawn
I miss your face, I miss your smile
I haven't seen it in a while

I close my eyes so I can see
The memories of you and me
The love and laughs that we have shared
And all the times that you have spared

Then a surge of sadness from within
Can't stop the tears from rushing in
I miss the way you hold me tight
How I wish you are with me tonight

Then I start to feel this pain inside
And no matter what I cannot hide
I always try, but I always fail
Can't help myself, my heart is frail

Monday, September 19, 2011

Superb Day with Roy 4 - 5 september 2011 ♥

4 September 2011 ♥

hari minggu yang dinantikan itu datang dengan sangat cerahnya. bahagia banget pas tau hari minggu datang. ke gereja, ngucap syukur, lalu bertemu dirinya di moi :) superb sekali hari itu. karaokean dan menggila. lalu terjadi slek sedikit. geeeezzz. about something lah. tidak untuk publik :p lol. lalu abis itu foto2 di blitz icon dan itu sangat seru! karna udah gatau mau ngapain di moi yang ga ada isinya. akhirnya kita mutusin ke lapiz. maunya jalan kaki, baru sampe lottemart udah nyerah akhirnya naik angkot. pertama kali dan seneng banget :D di lapiz kita ngefreak muter2 gajelas, foto2, ngobrol, jalan, dan lain lain. gabisa di ungkapin kena hari itu special banget buat kita. bahagianya ga bisa di ungkapkan dengan kata2, hanya kita berdua yang tau haha. This is some pics of us :)

Royel Freaky Time ♥

Our Romantic Time ♥


He's so tall and I'm so short but we still together in love♥

5 September 2011 

Happy Birthday My Hippo Boy, Roy Septian Sinaga!
ah I'm so happy! Today is his 16th birthday and I have something for him :) sebenernya gw udah masuk sekolah, tapi gara2 something jadi pulang cepet ahay! Tuhan bener2 tau :* langsung capcus sama lena & daniel ke rumah dia. disana di bantu sama calistha, ekhel, dana, adrian, suji, jimmy, nathan. seru banget! rencananya adalah mereka semua ke rumah roy dan narik roy ke luar terus di tutup matanya, terus mereka kerjain dengan sirem pake cola, tepung sama telor dan gw keluar dari mobil membawa kue yang sangat besar *lebay* dan resenya lilinnya gamau nyala. oke itu ngeselin -_- trus gw berdiri di depan dia dan ekhel buka penutup matanya dan gw langsung bilang "Happy Birthday" dan kata yang keluar dari mulut dia "loh kok ada dia?" ♥ sebenernya dia takut gw kerumahnya karna belom siap, jadi gw bikin seakan2 gw ga dateng dan dia sedikit sedih karena dia pengen banget di kasih surprise dan gw dateng. dan gw mewujudkan impiannya. super seru dan seneng disana! dan ada seluruh keluarnya karena papanya juga ultah. dan keluarganya udah liat gw, oke tau kan yang namanya takut? itu yg gw rasain, deg2an berasa di bawa ke ketinggian yang sangat tinggi *lebay jadi gila* potong kue, sirem2an air, mainan cream, seru lah! :) :) :) trus abis itu boncengan motor dan makan mcd. terus ke gubuk disana cerita2. I'm glad to know that I make you so damn happy on your birthday :* LYMTICS♥ This is some pics :) *kebanyakan di slr ekhel jadi ini hanya foto yg ada di kameraku*

Royel Best Day. Thank God 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Robsten Art

That pictures are so amazing! agree with me? :) I found that on WeHeartIt and I'm in love. You're so amazing! (to someone who drawing that) Just want to share that to all of you :) Robsten Forever ♥

I've been waiting for so long to watch this movie. I can't wait to see My Vampire. That should be so amazing movie! I believe that. November 18, 2011. please come faster. Who's with me? 

I just need to turn on the music, put my feet on the dance floor, forget all problems and Dance  

Robert Pattinson

Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson 

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986, in London, England. He is an actor, model, musician, and producer. I know him when he playing as cedric diggory. and I'm start be his big fans when he plays as Edward Cullen on Twilight. He's so handsome and amazing man for me. He's the Sexiest Man Alive! For more info aboout him, check out this site ( can't write all about him, that's TOO MUCH! Lol. I'm Robsessed <3

Saturday, September 17, 2011

There's Twilight in my life. I never imagine a New Moon will rise. 'til the Eclipse blinding my sight. Where true love emerge in the Breaking Dawn of my heart.