Last November 16, Breaking Dawn Part 2 was finally released in my country, Indonesia. I skip school that day just for watched it with Twihards Indonesia, @Twilight_Nusa. I still remember the feeling I felt before I watched it, so damn nervous, I can't even tell you what I felt. I won't spoiled the film, just watch it and you'll be amaze. I was smiling, giggling, laughing, screaming, melting and crying during the film:') all the feels! In the end of the film, I was crying so hard! All Twihards was crying I think, the feeling we felt will never happen to other people who just like or just watch the film. The euphoria watched it with Twihards truly amazing:'D Thank God my parents let me to skip school. Haha. On that day I watched BDP2 3 times in a row :p and until to day I've watched BDP2 18times at he cinema. At the end, I just wanna say I'm so proud with moms Stephenie Meyer, all Twicast and Twicrew, and for all Twihards around the world. We are more than amazing! Once a Twihard, forever a Twihard, Love Twilight Forever!