June 20th, 2012. Today is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen 111th Birthday. He is afiction created by Stephanie Meyer. I knew him since the first time I read Twilight. And, he made me love and adore him. The way he hate himself and he finally met Bella, he fell in love with her, he love her forever, married with her, protect her, have a baby named Renesmee, be a perfect husband for Bella and perfect father for Renesmee, etc. Honestly I don'y know how to descibe Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. He's more than words, more than perfect. The way we all want our own Edward Cullen... :') Twinkyu Stephanie Meyer for created Edward Cullen and Twilight Saga books. You don't know how your book, the movie, and the cast change my life ♥ Happy Birthday Edward Cullen. Forever seventeen, sparkle, fast, strong, mind reading, perfect husband, perfect daddy.
Mine! |
Edward Cullen, New Moon |
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen |
Edward Wristcuff |
Edward Tshirt |
Bok with Edward Cullen |
Original made by me |
Original made by me |
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