Sunday, July 29, 2012

Who's real and who's fake

I won't tell you what's going on, because you guys know what happened with 
my idol. I just want to share what's on my mind. It's my opinion, 
if my opinion isn't like yours and you mad, I don't care, because people did't 
have same opinion. Okay, let's start it.
 After that news came out, many people left her. Too bad they're her fans who 
turns to be her haters because of that news. I still don't believe that news, the 
article, the photos. I'll believe that if he/she give a statement live. It's so bad 
seeing his fans and her fans fight. You don't remember when we were fangirling 
over their sweet photos? Why after that you judge and hate her, called he slut, 
Why you don't believe with their love? Who's the people who said 'they were 
born for each other'? Where are you people?? I don't understand why you left 
her so easily. I don't understand with people who said 'I love her' but after this 
happened 'Fuck you! You cheated on him' Wow you. You only stand with 
her/him when they're on top. 
Not when they're down and need our support. I'm sorry but you're such a 
fake fans. 
I know when you read this, you'll say 'I don't care when you call me fake fans, 
but she's the one who did a mistake'. Okay, guess I don't care too.
 Now I know people who just love her when she's on top and left her when
she's down. I'm sick seeing your tweets about her and her relationship with him. 
We still don't know the fact. He/she still don't give a statement. We don't need 
an article and photos, we need a video! Right? when one mistake destroyed all the
good things that has  been made with all of 
this :'( But, I believe in their relationship and love. I believe they can through this 
difficult time, together or seperately. I'll stand with them, I'll always love, adore, 
protect, support them no matter what happen. I won't be a fake fans just because 
something bad happened to them. I won't let fake fans and haters hurt them. 
I promise this to you guys :') I promise always love you both until my heart stops 
beating. Stay strong Robsten! 
Nothing can break you apart. Don't let them destroy your relationship. 
Show them they're wrong! I'm proud to be Robsessed, Krisbian, and Robstener. 
Remember, we still don't know the truth. 
But keep calm because the truth will be revealed!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ellen's 17th Twilight Party

July 12 is my 17th Twilight Party. Twilight is in my life, and that's why I decided that's the theme of my party. I don't know how to write the story of my party. I just want to say that I'm so happy! Thankyou to all 'lions' for coming! And Thankyou mom and dad for this party. More happy because I really felt like I'm Isabella Marie Swan because I wore Replica Bella's wedding dress made by my mom and Bella's engagement ring :') Thank God for everything. I don't know what to say :')

The invitation. Taken by kak syifa.

Me with my Bella's Wedding Dress

My own Edward holding Edward's action figure

"It will always be yours."

My cake with Edward and Bella

Here's the back of the dress

Friday, July 20, 2012


Last saturday, July 7, that was my 17th birthday. Yeah I'm an adult right now. Lmao. Thankyou all for the wishes. Especially for my parents, my Roy, soulfriend, close friend :') first happy tears came from my soulfriend, Chacha, she sang a song to me and I'm just like.............. YOU'RE THE BEST!! and then Citra also sang a song to me :) and my Shyanaz made me melt with something she made for me. Oh you guys! :') and, in the morning, David and Shyanaz surprised me. They came with cake and intrumental song, but I hate you both! You made me so dirty, you threw me a cake, wtf. Shyanaz, David, Citra, Lena, Daniel, Muditta, Deni, thankyou so much for that lovely 'mading'. Love it!  And, I spent the rest of that day with my Edward, Roy. I'm wearing Bella's Transformation Dress Replica made by my mom. Thank God for that beautifl birthday gift mom! Thank God you are a tailor :p We went to Plaza Indonesia and watched The Amazing Spiderman 3D. OMG Andrew Garfield <33 after that, we went to Grand Indonesia and dinner at Pizza Hut. We talked about everything, I love the time when we laughed and told joke to each other, etc. And then we went to Blitzmegaplex and photobox at BlitzIcon :D we pose like a freak :p after that we did another freak moments at food lover, toke a lot photo with my birthday cupcakes and cookies and Edward Action Figure, and my favorite part is when he gave me a little gift I love the most! I love when he was playing with my Edward Action Figure like a child haha :3 and we  go home. Why beautiful day always flies so fast? :( But seriously, I can't spell 'Thank God' for that perfect birthday. More than I expected :') THANK GOD! ME LOVE YOU!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's on my mind

sebenernya post ini hanyalah apa yang ada di otak gw, tidak bermaksud ngomongin atau menyinggung orang lain. Just sayin. maaf kalo postnya agak gimana gitu ya -__- :)
sesungguhnya gw gasuka sama dunia social-network itu. walaupun lu bisa punya temen dari situ dan sebagainya, tetep aja, semua hal ada sisi negatifnya. orang punya pribadi mereka masing2, orang punya kreatifitas masing2. kalo buat gw. setiap orang pasti punya musuh, copycaters, backstabers, dan sebagainya. itu pasti. tinggal gimana kitanya aja yg nanggepin mereka semua. kalo kita nanggepinnya positif misalnya "loh kok sama sih sama gw? oh berarti gw bagus makanya gw diikutin, yaudahlah diemin aja. toh gw tetep stay dengan diri gw sendiri." nah, itu positif, kalo yg diikutin malah ngomel2, nulis di twitter, ngomong macem2 ketemennya, bawa masa buat ngelabrak tuh orang, dll. hello mau nyari musuh atau popularitas biar di kira jago ga gitu caranya kok :) kita bisa aja ngomong baik-baik ke orangnya, atau lebih baik diem aja, diem itu emas kok. ya emang kita semuapasti kesel kalo diikutin, tapi buat gw, stay be you itu adalah emas. mau lu di ikutin, di katain, atau di apain lah sama org tp lu tetep stay that way, mereka akan diem sendiri, tp kalo lu malah takut atau ngelawan atau apa, mereka bakal berpikir kalo bener lu yg salah :) yah sebenernya inti dari post ini cuma satu, stay be you, no matter what people think or say about you in front of or behind you, just stay be you, youre amazing just the way you are. Hidup itu simpel kok, jangan di bikin repot :)
"Mereka ngak tau gimana kita. Kita akan selalu berdua. Kita punya cara kita sendiri dan kita punya dunia kita sendiri. Ngak akan pernah ada yang bisa misahin kita" 
- Radit & Jani