Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So, #RememberTheTime is on Trentidng Topic World Wide on Twitter today. and that trending makes me want to write something. I remember the time when I watch Harry Potter and the Goblet Of  Fire. You know Cedric Digorry right? He's handsome. and I remember the time when I watched Twilight, I saw Edward Cullen and I was like 'Ive seen this guy'and 5 minutes later 'that's Cedric Digorry' AAAAH. I remember the time when I read Twilight Saga books before the film came out. The story made me ..... aaah can't explain :') Thank you Stephanie Meyer. I remember the time when 'I want to be a vampire, I want to have a man like Edward Cullen and a friend like Jacob'and that still happen until now. lol. I remember the time when I said 'Oh my bok he's so handsome'and still until now. Rob always makes me breathless when I see his video or pictures or anything about him. I remember the time when I looked at Kristen. She's so pure and not fake. I love the way she being herself and not try to be somebody else. Example, when she came to an awards and she wore dress with converse! Come one, I LOVE THAT! I need to be like her, the way she love herself, I need to be like that. And now, I'm freak out with Twilight, with the story, with the cast, with the soundtrack. Everything about Twilight. I''m be a Twihard, Robsessed, Krisbian :) I can't explain how happy I'm they came to my life. Thank God for that. Twilight is in my life, my blood. I don't know how to spell 'Thankyou' to Twilight. Twilight changed my life ♥

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